The Warrior Benefit’s core committee consists of Soldiers and Marines wounded after 9/11 and Gold Star parents. This core group hosts sporting events in Texas in order to build camaraderie between post 9/11 combat wounded veterans and demonstrate to those still recovering from physical and emotional injuries that there is a good and purposeful life after service to their country.
The post 9/11 combat wounded Soldiers and Marines that are part of our core advisory committee also demonstrate their willingness to help their wounded peers by voting on and donating funds to other charities that provide support for those that sacrificed so much for us. The majority of the funds raised by the Warrior Benefit are redistributed by our wounded veterans to charities they know are helping their peers.
We are ramping up for this year’s clay shoot and didn’t want to miss the opportunity to invite you to join us on February 23, 2024. We will have breakfast, lunch and swag bags. In the event you decide to consider some of the sponsorship options, We currently have all sponsorships available.

Date and Time
Friday Feb 23, 2024
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST
7am to 3pm
Westside Sporting Grounds
10120 Pattison Rd.
Katy TX 77493
Medal of Honor ~ $8,000 ~ 3x Teams plus 2x Wounded Warrior Teams Sponsored / Includes Mulligans p/ Shooter ~ 5x four passenger carts provided, Opportunity to address gathering in pavilion ~ Conduct shoot alongside sponsored Warrior Teams. ~ Company logo prominently displayed on signage in pavilion, on courses & t-shirts Purple Heart ~ $4,000 ~ 2x Teams plus 1x Wounded Warrior Team Sponsored / Includes Mulligans p/ Shooter ~ 3x four passenger carts provided ~ Conduct shoot alongside your sponsored Warrior Team. ~ Company logo prominently displayed on signage in pavilion & t-shirts Gun Raffle Sponsor (2 Available) ~ $3,000 ~ 2x Teams plus 2x four passenger carts provided / Includes Mulligans p/ Shooter ~ Option to man 2- gun raffle distribution point w/ company banner ~ Signage prominently displayed on site, in pavilion & on t-shirts T-Shirt Sponsor (2 Available) ~ $2,500 ~ 1x Team plus 1x four passenger cart & company logo on sleeve of event shirt ~ Includes Mulligans p/ Shooter Trophy Sponsor (1 Available) ~ $2,500 ~ 1x Team plus 1x four passenger cart provided ~ Company logo displayed on all bronze eagle shooter trophies Scorecard Sponsor (1 Available) ~ $2,000 ~ 1x Team plus 1x four passenger cart provided ~ Company logo displayed on all shooter score cards Team Entry ~ $1,000 ~ 1x Team plus 1x four passenger cart provided Individual Entry ~ $250 Mulligans ~ $10 p / person (3 pair) 6 total
Contact Information
Jay Shaw
Send Email